Going for growth

After our first batch of runner bean seeds failed to germinate (we did use last year’s seeds), I bought new seeds and they are just now starting to raise their heads above the compost.
Runner bean seedling
The way they lift their ‘heads’ suggests it is a great effort . . .
Runner bean seedling
The broad beans are also germinating as are marigolds.
The sunflower seedlings look a bit happier than they did several days ago . . .
Out in the garden itself, the comfrey is just about to burst into flower. The bees love these . . .
. . . and a small holly seedling, that really looked quite bare in the winter, is really putting on new growth . . .
It’s a marvellous watching everything emerge, stretch and grow in the garden.
Posted via email from robertz

After our first batch of runner bean seeds failed to germinate (we did use last year’s seeds), I bought new seeds and they are just now starting to raise their heads above the compost.

The way they lift their ‘heads’ suggests it is a great effort . . .

The broad beans are also germinating as are marigolds.
The sunflower seedlings look a bit happier than they did several days ago . . .

Sunflower seedling

Out in the garden itself, the comfrey is just about to burst into flower. The bees love these . . .

Comfrey flowers

. . . and a small holly seedling, that really looked quite bare in the winter, is really putting on new growth . . .

Holly seedling

It’s a marvellous watching everything emerge, stretch and grow in the garden.

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