Why get out of bed?

It can be difficult some days, especially when it’s dark, cloudy, you feel tired and the news on the radio is depressing. But even then, once I’m up, it’s worth being out . . .

Ilfracombe quay on Monday 15th September 2008
Ilfracombe quay on Monday 15th September 2008

It doesn’t matter that the sun’s not shining or that it’s cloudy, there’s always a lot to see and enjoy. But when the sun is shining . . .

Ilfracombe quay on 19th September 2008
Ilfracombe quay on Friday 19th September 2008

. . . it’s fantastic.

We’ve had beautiful mornings this week. Yesterday was sunny and clear . . .

Looking eastwards up the Bristol channel from Hillsborough
Looking eastwards up the Bristol channel from Hillsborough

Even the moon was reflected in the water beneath the quay yesterday . . .

Moon reflected in the sea at Ilfracombe
Moon reflected in the sea at Ilfracombe

So even though there is a lot of bad news about the economy, it’s on mornings like this that I appreciate and am grateful for what I have got and the simple pleasure of enjoying the beauty around me, especially as the sun rises . . .

Sunrise at Ilfracombe on Friday 19th September 2008
Sunrise at Ilfracombe on Friday 19th September 2008

I don’t get happy clappy, but it’s moments like this that give genuine inspiration and hope.

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