A new arrival at Bicclescombe Park, Ilfracombe, North Devon #ndevon

Last weekend, this chap (or girl) arrived.

Muscovy duck at Bicclescombe Park, Ilfracombe, North Devon

At first, he didn’t appear to be accepted by the other ducks and was hiding in a bush, but now he is swimming with all the other ducks in the duck pond.

What do the other ducks think about the new muscovy duck?

This duck appeared quite happy . . .

White duck at Bicclescombe Park, Ilfracombe, North Devon

. . . but not all seemed so pleased . . .
Duck at Bicclescombe Park, Ilfracombe, North Devon
Several didn’t seem to notice and just kept their noses to the ground . . .
Ducks at Bicclescombe Park, Ilfracombe, North Devon
Then we were suddenly alerted to the strange appearance of headless ducks . . .
Ducks at Bicclescombe Park, Ilfracombe, North Devon
What is happening at the duck pond?

Posted via email from robertz

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