It’s been a glorious spring this year, but I don’t think anything provides as big a lift as the arrival of ducklings.
This morning, in Bicclescombe Park, Ilfracombe in North Devon, I heard ducks squabbling down in the East Wilder Brook as it passes under a small bridge. I looked over the fence and saw a mother duck and her fleet of ducklings. Unfortunately, there were three male ducks trying to mate with her, explaining the noise as she fought them off.
Some blurred photos, taken with zoom lens while hanging over a fence with two spaniels on leads . . .
One of the park-keepers said they were born on Sunday. I counted 12. Before I could take any more photos, they swam under the bridge.
Meanwhile, back on the duck pond, this pair were doing some serious courting and a bit more when they weren’t being interrupted by other jealous suitors . . .
Expect more ducklings!