We used to have a number of different kitchen gadgets, but they spent most of the time gathering dust in cupboards. Some gadgets are useful, but their convenience is often minimised by the time spent cleaning them after use. Now we have very few gadgets.
I was reminded of this yesterday when wondering what to do with leftover double cream. I like clotted cream, but most other cream holds little attraction for me. Then I had the idea of whipping the cream and adding it to our dessert of baked bananas in Grand Marnier.
Out came the balloon whisk from the drawer and a good workout began whisking the cream until it was substantial. Yes, it takes some work but the trusty whisk invariably produces a smooth sauce or mixture of whatever I am preparing. It’s good exercise, uses no electricity and does not use horrible batteries, so it’s pretty environmentally friendly. And, what’s more, only takes a few seconds to wash up.
By the time the bananas were baked, I had also worked up an appetite and the cream was delicious.