I need it all

I need it all

It’s probably because of the seasonal bombardment by adverts for things which I don’t need that I’ve been thinking a lot about what I do need.

While I post a series on ‘my life’s essentials’, many of these are tongue-in-cheek as I’ve come to realise that I need very little to be content.

Recently, I’ve narrowed my needs down to:

  • Good, simple nourishing food – we are so lucky to be able to buy high quality ingredients that are very affordable and to know how to use these to prepare healthy, tasty meals.
  • Shelter and safety – we are fortunate to have a home where we are safe and warm and to live in a community which is generally safe.
  • Freedom to think for myself – and not be told by individuals, groups or organisations what I should or should not, can or cannot think.
  • Awareness of responsibilities – my own to contribute to others and the community who support my existence and others’ responsibility to do the same as well as to treat everyone and everything with respect.
  • Natural, healthy environment – I am so grateful to live in an area of outstanding natural beauty, even though there are many challenges to maintaining this.
  • Time – to be me.

I feel I am truly blessed to have so much.

Anything more is a bonus.

At a time of year when there are so many attempts to seduce us into needing so much else that we don’t really need, it helps me to remind myself what really matters.

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