From autumn to winter
The wind is howling outside as I write, tearing down the valley towards the sea and throwing rain against the sides of the house.
The wind is howling outside as I write, tearing down the valley towards the sea and throwing rain against the sides of the house.
It’s been a funny old year. We waited in expectation for the summer and now look back to when it should have been.
s we turn back the clocks for winter, in Ilfracombe many of the boats have been lifted out of the harbour on to the quay and harbour car parks to protect them from the ferocity of the stormy weather until next spring.
. . . home-grown apple is one of the delights of late summer and early autumn.
It’s been a very wet and dull August here, which hasn’t helped our runner beans. We were late planting them out as we had to prepare our new vegetable plot.
Not something that we eat every day, but a wonderful occasional treat, especially when you can buy fresh cod or other white white fish and local potatoes
A magical time, the evening . . .
Rescue Day in Ilfracombe, Devon on Wednesday 13th August is Britain’s biggest emergency services live charity display day
What a glorious July day, just right for the first excursion of the pleasure steamer ‘Balmoral’ from Ilfracombe.
Just take a walk and see what you will find . . .
A good question. Many think of the town as well past its sell-by date with Victorian and Edwardian buildings crumbling, hotels closing down and shops looking shabby. Superficially, this is true.
After a night of rain and storm, this morning was beautiful. The walk round the north side of Hillsborough revealed some atmospheric views as the sun struggled to break through the cloud.