My life’s essentials 14: Canon PowerShot SX500 IS

I have always enjoyed photography, although for much of my life did not spend much time on it. Moving to live by the sea and walking with our dogs have given me plenty of opportunities to take more photos. Five years ago, after we lost our dear two spaniels and there was a lot of family illness and pressure around us, we welcomed a new puppy into our home. My old digital camera had just packed up and I replaced it with a Canon PowerShot SX500 IS bridge camera. We had other important spending priorities at the time and this was yet one more thing added to the list, but we thought it important to capture the memories of the early days and weeks of our seven-week-old puppy.

Sprocker spaniel | @robertz

Almost five years later, after much battering by wind and rain, being gummed up with sand on the beach, and accompanying me all over the place, I am so attached to this rugged little camera. I have a digital SLR with a selection of lenses, but that takes planning to carry with me for a photoshoot. The little Canon fits in my pocket, a bag or in the car glove compartment, and has taken thousands of photos, from sunrises and sunsets to family and our dog. It has been repaired once, but I’m astounded it keeps going, especially after going on the beach so much. Sand gets everywhere and the inside of my car looks like I am building my own beach resort.

As well as having a 30X zoom and shooting at 16 mega pixels, the facility to manually set shutter speed, aperture value and ISO speed has enabled me to experiment more than ever with photography, which I throughly enjoy. While I take photos with my dSLR and iPhone, I usually have this little camera at my side too. I’ll be sorry when it stops taking photos because it has given me the ability to take photos that I would have otherwise missed.

I enjoy sharing photos on social media as well as seeing other people’s photos. If you want to connect, please follow me on:

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