Sun or rain, heat or cold, fulfilment or regret?

Woolacombe, North Devon | @robertz

I paddled in the sea at Woolacombe again this morning, throwing a tennis ball for our dog, before starting work. What a blessed life. But it’s not always sunny. On wintry days, we’re struggling along the beach in wellies with our faces sandblasted by the wind. But still it’s a blessed life.

We moved from South-East England to North Devon 14 years ago and I can’t think of anywhere I would rather live. That doesn’t mean that we left all of life’s problems behind. We still have many of the same problems as anyone else, but the compensation of the magnificent natural environment makes life a lot sweeter.

Moving home usually involves swapping some benefits for others. Living within reach of London gave us access to so many facilities that we don’t have here, although now we have no traffic or aircraft noise and can lose ourselves in tranquillity.

We didn’t know whether it would work out, but we went for it. I’m so glad that we moved when we did, rather than waiting until retirement. It means we can enjoy walking up the hills and over the dunes while we have the strength and energy. Some day when we’re less mobile, we’ll look back on these times fondly, but we won’t regret not having done anything.

Longing for something and not taking steps to achieve it can sometimes take up more energy and effort in putting up with what we don’t want to find that all we are left with is regrets.

It’s made me realise how important it is to do what we really want to do.

It won’t always work out, but how will we know if don’t try to make changes?



12 thoughts on “Sun or rain, heat or cold, fulfilment or regret?”

  1. I hear you. When we lived in south Florida for a while, I used to take my kayak out at 6 am in the morning and kayaked to the beach to look for fresh seashells. Many times I was followed by a manatee or turtle. Such an experience! I don’t live there anymore, but the memories are precious.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful place to live. The only reason I don’t move to a beach is because my sons are here. I love living near family. Your post reminded me of the quote, “our biggest regrets are what we don’t do.” Sorry, don’t know who said it.

    • Thanks, Nita. We have to do what is important for us. Just after we’d moved 200 miles here, my Mum was diagnosed with a long-term illness. I travelled regularly to see her for 12 years, but wonder whether we would have moved if we had known. When discussing this with her before she died, she said she was glad we had moved to do what we wanted.

  3. Hubby and I are in this dilemma right now. We live on the coast but love the mountains. Neither of us are getting any younger so now would be the perfect time to pull up our stacks and head for the mountains.

    • Hello Martha. It’s very hilly here so you have to be fit to go for a walk. I used to talk to an old chap, no longer with us, who could no longer climb hills, but had sailed abroad and had so many adventures. We have to do what we want while our bodies are able.

  4. I’m sure many of your blessings have come from simply recognising them as blessings. There is so much food for thought in this article. I love where I live, but I have neighbours who don’t. I’m sure if they looked around them with eyes wide open, they’d see the blessings, and life would be good.

    • Thanks, Maureen. I have enjoyed living everywhere I have lived. There is usually something good, whether it be the community or environment. Being at one with ourselves also helps.


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