Top 10 amazing tools for managing reality

ust when you’re nestling into your comfortable online environment, do you ever find reality making an unwelcome intrusion? Reality can be so demanding and inflexible.

What’s the best way for managing it effectively to minimise its impact? Here are my suggested top 10 reality management tools:

Hatch to mimic thatch?

Similar to the European Union Stability and Growth Pact, I have an agreement with Mrs Z that when the deficit in my hair supply exceeds 3% of a full Barnet, it’s time to change my hairstyle to avoid comb over. At the weekend, I suggested two possible actions: To wear a badly made, shaggy, obviously … Read more

Thank you to all those who helped in 2011 . . .

. . . especially in the following activities: COMBEbusiness After standing up and speaking at a public meeting, I was elected to the committee and then voted chairman of a new business group in North Devon. Thanks to my fellow directors and support from members, COMBEbusiness has established itself to promote business around the Ilfracombe, … Read more

Let’s get out of our heads

Planning takes place inside our heads, a comfortable environment where we control the results: A leads to B, which leads to our goal of C.

All swell in the garden

The welcome rain is giving everything a rush. The apple trees need a summer prune, although the apples are coming along nicely. The tomato forest in the shed is reaching the roof and fruit is forming and growing. See and download the full gallery on posterous The runner bean wall is covered with flowers and … Read more

Shhhhhhhhh! I want peace and quiet

What is it about unceasing noise and activity that is so exciting? I don’t know. I’ve lived and worked in London, was born under the Heathrow Airport flight path, have been jostled by crowds at big events and on city streets, have listened to the unending rumble of distant traffic, so I’m well acquainted with hustle and bustle, but I’ve always sought peace and quiet.

Counting to Christmas

I’ve always enjoyed the simpler aspects of Christmas and find this more so as my hair diminishes. Yesterday we lit our Advent calendar (thanks, Neil) for the first time, an event I find helps put everything into perspective. Like many, I’ve had a hectic, challenging year and look forward to slowing down at Christmas and … Read more