Make Mondays Magnificent

robertz learning to surf with Croyde Surfing AcademyDo you find yourself getting into a bit of a rut sometimes, unable to break out of a mundane routine? Me too. Yet over the past months I’ve been working to change that.

It’s astounding what happens when you change gear out of ‘automatic’ and take the ‘manual’ approach to life. You start to take control and make those things happen that you want to do.

Two Mondays ago I had my first ever surfing lesson with Croyde Surf Academy. Who, me? Yes, me. I loved it and the expert instructors even got me to stand up twice (after falling off a few more times). It was a fantastic day and the sea was warm. What a way to spend a Monday morning.

robertz filming a small role in Artaura Films' SWANThen last Monday I was cast in a small role in a film and spent four-and-a-half hours filming in Bideford with Artaura Productions. They’re a great team to work with and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I’m looking forward to seeing the finished film: SWAN.

What am I doing this Monday? After a productive meeting about young people’s employment and enterprise in Ilfracombe this morning, I’m reviewing my activity plan and assessing my progress. I’m keen to get on with things.

Suddenly Mondays have become exciting as I make magnificent things happen.

Do you make your Mondays magnificent too?

6 thoughts on “Make Mondays Magnificent”

  1. Wow, I’m impressed! I’m busy teaching all day on Mondays but I have started making my weekends magnificent … although surfing on the Kennet-and-Avon canal hasn’t been an option yet 😉

  2. You’re right, John. I’ll have to rewrite the blog to make Mondays magnificent, Tuesdays terrific, Wednesday wonderful, Thursdays thrilling, Fridays fantastic, Saturdays sizzling and Sundays serene.


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